CIMPA research school

  Sub-riemannian geometry

Beirut, lebanon

January 30 - February 9,  2012

Version française

vue de beyrouth

This CIMPA research school  will be organized at the  Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology (Hadath site of the Lebanese University) under the  auspices of the  CIMPA, the Lebanese University and  its Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, the ICTP, the  Embassy of France at Lebanon, as well as the indirect support of several  universities and european institutions.
The main objective of this school is to present the sub-riemannian geometry as a crossroads of different areas of mathematical research. There will be 8 mini-courses of 6 hours each one given by specialists of sub-riemannian geometry. After an introductory course on sub-riemannian geometry, the other topics that will be addressed concern optimal transport, control theory, non-holonomic mechanics, Cartan distributions in jets spaces, hypoelliptic operators and algebraic geometry. Each of these courses will describe at least one application to sub-riemannian geometry. 


Ahmad El Soufi, Université Tours

 Frédéric Jean, ENSTA, Paris

 Fernand Pelletier, Université de Savoie

 Ludovic Rifford, Université Nice


 Ali  Fardoun , Université  Brest

 Mohamad.Mehdi , Université Libanaise




The conference will take place at  the  Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology (Hadath site of the Lebanese University). Accomodation is on site.

MEA                                                                     Balamand                                                                 ICTP