Ismael Bailleul's home page

Bat. 22, office 302
(+33) 02 9801 73 86
ismael.bailleul at
Laboratoire de Mathematiques de Bretagne Atlantique
6 avenue Le Gorgeu
29238 BREST cedex 3

Welcome to my webpage! I am currently professor in the Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France. My main reserch area is at the intersection of probability, geometry and mathematical physics. Recently I have mainly been working on problems involving rough paths, singular stochastic PDEs and Euclidean quantum field theories. I keep a particular interest in the study of hypoelliptic diffusions, including a class of diffusions intrinsically associated with any relativistic spacetime, called relativistic diffusions.

Click here for a brief CV (07/2023, in French). Click on the following links to find the webpages of my present or former PhD students Pierre Perruchaud, Antoine Mouzard, Hugo Eulry and Nicolas Moench.


  • Euclidean quantum fields theories
  • Singular PDEs, paracontrolled calculus, regularity structures
  • Rough paths, mean field stochastic rough differential equations, rough dynamics on paths space, rough flows
  • Stochastic differental geometry, Lorentzian geometry
  • Sub-Riemannian geometry, Malliavin calculus
  • Particle systems, coupling method, nonlinear Markov processes
  • Scientific publishing -- The Annales Henri Lebesgue is a generalist journal of mathematics, fully open access and free of author charges. This non-profit journal is supported by public institutions. It publishes high-quality articles from any area of mathematics, from the most applied to the most abstract, with the aim of highlighting beautiful mathematical inventions.


    • 2023-2028: P.I. of the ANR Grant SMOOTH on singular SPDEs and dispersive PDEs with random initial conditions.
    • 2019-2022: Member of the GdR TRAG on rough paths theory and related topics.
    • 2018-2021: Member of the GdR Renorm on renormalisation.
    • 2017-2021: P.I. of the ANR Grant SINGULAR.
    • 2011-2015: P.I. of the ANR Grant "Retour Post-doctorant", 11-PDOC-0025.

    Two 2-year postdoc positions (2025-2027+) Funded by the ANR Grant Smooth, to work on singular stochastic PDEs or dispersive PDEs with low regularity initial conditions. To apply: send CV and project to Nikolay Tzvetkov and myself.

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